Happy New Year and New Season

We hope you had a fine holiday season and are just itching to get back to work! No? We’re not dawdling at musiXplore. Here’s our Winter-Spring 2013 list of concerts by experimental musicians from New Jersey and the Hudson Valley:

Let’s begin with Sunday, January 20 when we’ll be hosting The Use, which is Michael Durek’s solo performance moniker. Michael is a versatile performer on synthesizer and theremin. He has performed in 6 different countries with PAS, leads the SK Orchestra and has played on over a dozen albums.

In February, cellist and flautist Keren Rosenbaum will be performing on Sunday the 17th. Keren is founder and director of the Reflex Ensemble, a multinational ensemble of 35 musicians. She will be performing in her innovative New Classical style.

If, Bwana, otherwise known as Al Margolis, will perform on Sunday, March 17. Al has decades of performance experience with a wide variety of instruments, styles and musicians. He runs Pogus Productions, a mainstay of experimental music distribution and has recently served as guest curator at The Stone in NYC.

Sunday, April 21 will see a concert by Electronic Memory, the duo comprised of Mike Hunter and Ken Palmer. Mike and Ken have performed at the Electro-Music Festival, the New Jersey Festival of Electronic Arts and the Event Horizon concert series, among other. They’ll bring us their mind-expanding style of ambient space music.

Our season will wrap up on Sunday, April 28 with guitarist Peter Biedermann. Peter has influenced a couple of generations of NJ experimental musicians, has led bands as diverse as Ping, White Light and Serious Fun. He has come full circle from the realm of electronic music back to acoustic guitar and will perform a variety of his solo compositions.

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